Jessica Traynor

Teacher. Fundraiser. Grantmaker.

I run with ideas, anticipate needs, and put out fires. I do both strategy and execution, often at the same time. My favorite is working in dirt roads with a lot of ambiguity. 

What I do

Working with companies, government agencies, and nonprofits, we develop comprehensive, enduring, and enriching approaches to digital privacy, security, and trust. My job is to create resources that help communities reimagine, design, and build healthy data ecosystems. 

Our mission is to energize people to get curious about their data. We help people ask questions, understand the answers, and feel empowered to do something about it.

Nonprofit Consultant

This is fun. I advise on communications, capacity building, strategic planning, and more. I also help philanthropists figure out where and how to give their money. Pro tip: unrestricted, multi-year gifts


I studied the Montessori method, and teachers are called guides. As expert, trained observers, we help people discover their strengths and stretch their capabilities. So, yeah, I do this, for any age!